Lazarus and the Rich Man with reference to Queen Elizabeth II So why did Lazarus do so well and the rich man do so badly in our Lords parable? Life is surely a sacred opportunity for spiritual development. If we ignore its spiritual opportunities and just indulge in sinful pleasures, we waste it and must face the consequences. We have to discover that is we live our lives driven by the seven deadly sins there will be consequences. ‘Riches’ give us that opportunity to make these mistakes However, the poor man Lazarus would have had little opportunity: to be proud – because he had nothing or to be greedy - because he had little food or to be lustful - because there would have no opportunity or to be angry - because he had no one to tirade over So the poor man had few wicked choices – and went to Heaven The rich man however would have every opportunity to be proud, to be greedy, to be lustful, to be wrathful at his many employees, and be as lazy as liked. He had ...