Parable of the Sower - Matthew 13:1-9 This has to be one of the most important parables in the whole of the New Testament. Interestingly I find that it applies to each one of us in different ways at different times! Our Lord is the Sower and the Seed - His message. How do we receive it? How do we receive it? Do we ignore it or welcome it and allow it to grow and multiply in our lives? We start off thinking that we are surely receiving seed – the word of God. However perhaps sometimes we are more like the priest in parable of the priest and the sinner . You will remember that the priest was at the front of the temple because he thought he was a pious man and gave half his income to the poor. We think we are doing OK. However perhaps we should be more like the sinner at the back and acknowledge our failings – our inability to receive the Lord's seed Some seed fell on the path and the birds ate it. The seed on the path represents people wh...