
Showing posts from June, 2024

Nicodemus - the priest who had everything?

Nicodemus the priest who had everything but ...... Nicodemus was born into the right family, had had the right education, he was a senior member of the Sanhedrin and yet he knew that he lacked something. Unlike his fellow Pharisees he recognised that Jesus was the Messiah because he not only exhibited all the signs of a great prophet but his life seemed to be fulfilling the all the prophesies of the Old Testament Today we are looking at how Nicodemus actually received Our Lord's teaching – and how we are receiving are his teaching today! Baptism is in two parts the water and the spirit. John did the water our Lord did the spirit. After Pentecost Our Lord empowers the disciples to Baptise with both water and spirit.  Nicodemus truly was reborn in spirit Many Christians begin their journey of faith with their Christening - with the water and their joining community of Christian life. They are welcomed into the church They receive the spirit in their confirmation. From then