
Showing posts from July, 2024

Growing Spiritual Seed ......

Growing The Seed ...... Recently our readings have been focused on our progress through religious life. This involved hearing about Christian faith, receiving the faith and this week spreading faith – or Evangelism.  First hearing the word – the truth – the meaning of life – the importance of life – the goals of life …………. we had the parable of the Sower.   Where are we? Are we the seed thrown on the path of life? Often, we don’t even hear the word – the truth.  Perhaps we are the seed thrown on stoney ground. Perhaps our faith lacks depth. It is just a passing enthusiasm Perhaps we are the seed sown among thorns.  We are distracted by the worldly commitments and attractions of life. Shopping, sport, entertainment, family or business commitments. There is no time left for faith, church or religious commitment.  Hopefully we are like seed sown on good soil. We hear the word, accept it, and produce the wonderful crop of evangelism.  I