What is the point of Miracles?

What was the point of Miracles? John 6:1-21 Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand and Walks on Water This month we have been following the progress of religious life from receiving the word, … committing to the word …. and finally spreading the word to other people. What authority did he have to deliver this teaching? The signs of a person speaking with authority. John’s Gospel originally was called the Book of Signs. The Jewish religion seeks evidence of prophet’s ability to produce signs or miracles Just imagine of the effect of these miracles in our area if we opened the Tavistock Times Prophet turns water into wine at wedding – 200 witnesses Prophet heals a blind man in the Tavistock Pannier Market Prophet heals MS sufferer in Sydenham Damerel Prophet feeds 5000 at an event on Dartmoor – twice! Prophet walks across Meldon Reservoir Prophet raises Mr Jones from the dead in Milton Abbot Stories like this would instantly be frontpage news not and just locally but nationally – and perhaps...