Did Jesus brush off the Gentile Women?

Did Jesus brush off the Gentile Women? We are going to consider both Mark and Matthew’s record of Syrophoenician Woman’s Faith. Please read Mark’s version below. The role of scripture is to support and build our faith. Gospels have done this for 2000 years. However, there are just ones or two passages which seem to be going in the other direction! This seems to be one such passage. How could our loving, compassionate inclusive Lord have been initially so dismissive of the gentile women. We have to do some Exegesis on this passage. (Exegesis is the analysis of Biblical texts - or getting to the bottom of it by checking the pretext and/or context of a given account.) Exegesis will suggest which is most consistent with our view of Jesus and so help build our faith in him. Jesus was lying low - he was trying to get away from the crowds who were coming to him largely because of his miracles. His main mission was not his miracles but His message. The woman was a Gree...