Christmas – Who, Where, Why and What Next? Luke 2.1-20 Exact date of our Lord’s birth is unknown. The Celtic festival of Yule is thought to be one of the motivators for the celebration of Christmas around the winter solstice. In fact Yule celebration takes place on December 21 or 22 and is associated with the lighting of candles and bonfires, decorating homes and feasting. So, not dissimilar to our celebrations today. Interestingly the Celtic teachings are also not far removed from those of our own Ten Commandments. These are the basis of first Jewish Covenant delivered by Moses in the desert. Celtic ethics the include: Hospitality, Truth, Generosity, taking care of each other, Wisdom, Knowledge, Eloquence, Mercy, Justice, and the strong supporting the weak and worshiping God through the natural world Similarly, the Ten Commandments had also created a basic civilised code of conduct for Israelites. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and min...